Green Education for Green Biotech Enterprise (GREENBE)

About the project

About the project

The EC Green Deal Action Plan has the ambition to make the EU’s economy sustainable, by boosting the efficient use of resources toward a clean, circular economy and by restoring biodiversity and cutting pollution. Teaching and promoting sustainable / green practice among biotech stakeholders (education, startups/enterprises, NGOs, etc.) is an important action of the Green Deal Pact….

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The main scope of the proposal is to develop an innovative educational framework for Biotech & Economics HE graduates from Romanian, Spanish, Italian and Greek partners toward a Biotech Green Entrepreneurial pathway, able to support the Biotech sector to solve environmental and climate change problems….

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We Change Everything



In the TRANSVERSAL/CONTINUOUS ACTIVITIES will be taken into account: Project Management, Quality assurance (Monitoring and Evaluation) and Visibility & Dissemination….

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Four results are proposed to be developed during the project implementation and are targeting HE students, professors and mentors. All the partners will get involved in their development according to their expertise and coordination has been distributed in a balanced manner among the partners….

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Visibility and Dissemination

Visibility and Dissemination

This continuous activity will be detailed in the allocated section (results to be disseminated, potential recipients, tools to be employed). In charge with the coordination will be the CBM, by a nominated expert, seconded from each partner by a local responsible….

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In the consortium are involved 5 partners: 3 universities providing Biotechnology education, one university providing Economics and IT education and a Biotech professional Association (NGO) with relevant Biotech business connections….

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Supported by the Erasmus+ Cooperation for Partnership Project 2021-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000032162
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.